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Best Time to Visit Puerto Escondido Mexico

Best time to visit Puerto Escondido Mexico

The weather in Puerto Escondido creates a tropical paradise that is worthy of a visit all year round. However, if you truly are looking for the best time to visit this area of Oaxaca, Mexico, a little more research is necessary. After all, you must be aware of how many other tourists will be there sharing the sandy beaches with you. The more people in the area, the more difficult it can be to find that little slice of paradise of your own. But don’t discount the fun you can have amongst the crowds. Extra people only adds to the excitement and fun. And as for Puerto Escondido safety, you will discover this destination is one of the safest places to spend a vacation. 

Weather in Puerto Escondido is pretty good all year round, but it depends on what you're looking for.
Yeah, that’s me enjoying sunset on Playa Zicatela in January 2021

Find our top 10 things to do in Puerto Escondido Oaxaca Mexico.

The Weather in Puerto Escondido

Puerto Escondido Weather for January through April

The months of January through April bring temperatures between 68 degrees and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. These temperatures do not really change throughout the year, but the levels of humidity do. These months offer a humidity average of 70 percent. The humidity can make you a little uncomfortable, but honestly, it is not unbearable. 

There is very little rain during these gorgeous months. This means you can simply enjoy the sunshine, as you relax or go on a little adventure. 

Weather in Puerto Escondido on February 28, 2021.
Weather in Puerto Escondido on February 28, 2021

Puerto Escondido Weather for May through November

The temperatures in Puerto Escondido for May through November are between 72 degrees and 91 degrees Fahrenheit. As you can see, this is not much different than the beginning of the year. The humidity during these months does climb to 78 percent though. The extra humidity may make it necessary for you to spend a little extra time in the pool or ocean cooling down. 

There is also a lot more rain during these months. This extra rain is due to summer thunderstorms that normally come and go quickly. Therefore, do not expect any of your plans to be majorly interrupted due to inclement weather in Puerto Escondido. 

Puerto Escondido Weather for December

The weather in Puerto Escondido in December is very similar to the months of January through April. The temperatures are still between 68 degrees and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. But the humidity starts to decrease slightly to 73 percent. This is wonderful news for those who prefer a slightly cooler feel on their vacation. 

The rain also decreases substantially during this month. This is perfect if you don’t want your time disrupted by a stray storm. 

Looking for restaurants in Puerto Escondido? Or, are you an expat wanting to find satellite Internet offerings in Mexico?

Best Time to Surf in Puerto Escondido

Puerto Escondido safety - the city is quite safe for tourists, but on Playa Zicatela the surfing is for experts.
Plaza Zicatela has great surf for the expert.

You can easily surf in Puerto Escondido at any time of the year. But the true surfing season begins towards the end of April and continues until the beginning of September. These are the months where the waves swell up to heights of forty feet or more in some places. 

Check out the best beaches in Puerto Escondido.

And learn about hiking in Puerto Escondido.

You will see the most surfers out in the water during the months of June, July, and August. Therefore, if you want the water almost to yourself, I recommend choosing to hit the waves during the month of May or September. 

Beginner surfers will want to check out Beach Carrizalillo. It is an excellent beach for learning how to surf safely, due to its smaller size. More advanced surfers should head over to La Punta. Those surfers still learning the ropes spend their time on the inside. Advanced surfers brave the rocks on the outside for the potential of a 300-meter ride. 

Zicatela Beach is the place to be for expert surfers. There are three main peaks that normally require larger boards. Tons of non-surfers can be seen on the sand, catching glimpses of all the action out in the water. So, don’t count this beach out on your Puerto Escondido vacation. You can still get your thrills without stepping foot in the water.

Need a great place to stay in Puerto Escondido, see our post on places to stay in Puerto Escondido or our Top 5 Puerto Escondido hostels.

Easiest way to learn Spanish
A great way to learn Spanish online

Puerto Escondido Safety

As I mentioned above, Puerto Escondido is a very safe place. But you will want to be prepared for the usual safety annoyances that you see everywhere else in the world. Robberies can happen in Puerto Escondido. Therefore, it is always recommended that people stay together and never walk alone. It is also a good idea to never carry too many valuables with you when you are out and about. 

The biggest Puerto Escondido safety issue is the water. The waves can be rough, and they lead to many people requiring help. Lifeguards are kept busy rescuing people every single day. This is why it is so important to know your strengths and weaknesses before entering the water. 

Beginner surfers should never venture out into the water at ZIcatela Beach. And small children should never be left alone by the water. Accidents can happen quickly in Puerto Escondido and there will never be any warning. 

In addition to knowing your skill level in the water, there is one other thing you can do to stay safe in Puerto Escondido. When you arrive at a beach, keep an eye out for red flags. Those flags are put in place when the water conditions are too dangerous for swimming and surfing. If you see a red flag, it means to stay out of the water, no matter how good of a swimmer you are. 

If you pay attention to the flags and the lifeguards, you won’t have any safety issues when you are visiting Puerto Escondido. 

Vacations in Puerto Escondido are amazing. Once you arrive and head to one of the sandy beaches, you will find yourself never wanting to return home. This could be from the views or it could be the beautiful weather in Puerto Escondido. Pay attention to the Puerto Escondido safety measures, while enjoying your time in the sun. And even though you will need to go home sooner than later, you will know that Puerto Escondido will always be waiting for you to return.

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